Friday, December 31, 2010

How Happy Are You?

Yes, you might well ask yourself, How Happy am I? Social scientists are trying hard to find out how you or others would answer, but their task is not easy one. Measuring the happiness of individuals might likened to attempting to quantify the love that a man has for his wife or the amount of grief that is caused by a death in the family.Emotions do not lend themselves to precise measurement.However, scientists do recognise a basic truth: All humans have the capacity for being happy.Despite that fact, many people today  are so unhappy.
  There has been an explosion of research on happiness, and the results of such studies have been surprising to many.With remarkable consistency, the evidence shows that people  who believed that their money, fame,or beauty will make happy are often disappointed and depressed. In United State, many people are richer than they have been  but  at the same more depressed.
      Clearly then, material  possession does not  diminish our anxiety and stress, if anything, it heightens them.
 A happy disposition is said to be a good medicine and so why not  help yourself and others to  be happy by
1.Develop a simple outlook on life.
2.Being content and avoid the love of everything in life.
3.spend quality time with friends and family.
4.Be generous and working for the happiness of others.
5.Be thankful and counting your blessings.
6.Be forgiving.
7.Choose your associate wisely.
8.Take care of your body and shun bad habits
9.Give yourself a  reward.
10.Surround yourself with happy people, animals and things



  1. Hi.
    I have just read your comments on happiness. What makes me happy? Well for me that's easy to answer. I love life with all it's ups and downs,worries and frustrations and sure there have been hard times when it's a chore to keep smiling, but being happy sure works for me. It makes me feel good about myself and people respond better to you if you have a good outlook.One thing I have learned is that you can't make a person be happy if they are hell bent on being negative all the time. I have just started blogging and hope to keep at it. Enjoyed reading your blogs.

  2. Hey,
    Thanks for your comments.And l must say, you sound very inspiring.l hope to explore your blog soon.
